This proposal will support the development of novel instrumentation for noble gas laser-polarization, and automated delivery of this gas to samples for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) experiments. In recent years, significant progress has been made in materials science and bioimaging using small, noble-gas laser-polarization systems that generate limited amounts of laser-polarized 129Xe or 3He. However, practical and technical problems with both gas production and delivery have limited the application of more complex MRI techniques, and in other cases, have restricted research applications completely. Also, commercial development of noble gas polarization systems has been halted, despite significant demands, after a takeover of Amersham Health by General Electric. This submission proposes to address these problems by developing a suite of new instrumentation using novel laser technology, automation for gas accumulation and storage, and gas compression without significant polarization loss. The broader impacts involve applications to physiology as well as student education and outreach to the general public.