9422060 Fortune A program will be carried out in experimental nuclear physics, using a variety of probes from a number of user facilities. Specific areas that will receive attention include: pion-induced single and double charge exchange at LAMPF, muon capture at LAMPF and TRIUMF, (n.p) single charge exchange at TRIUMF, electron scattering at CEBAF and as part of the HERMES project at DESY, and nuclear structure experiments at Michigan State and elsewhere. The single charge exchange experiments make use of the new neutral meson spectrometer (NMS) at LAMPF and have two major components - search for isovector spin-flip giant dipole resonances, and non-analog single charge exchange as pathways in sequential double charge exchange. The double charge exchange program seeks 1) to elucidate the role of single and double spin flip, both to low-lying discrete states and to giant resonances, 2) to populate giant resonances built on the isovector giant monopole, and 3) to clarify non-sequential aspects of the reaction mechanism. The muon capture experiments at LAMPF and TRIUMF determine the induced pseudoscalar coupling constant of the semileptonic weak interaction. The (n.p) program at TRIUMF include extraction of strength of higher multipoles - the spin flip dipole and quadrupole. The HERMES proposal involves the use of newly developed polarized gas target technology to study in a complete and precise way to spin structure of the nucleon. It will measure spin-dependent deep inelastic scattering from the proton and neutron using the longitudinally polarized electron beam of the HERA storage ring in Germany. At CEBAF , several issues are addressed. Those include measurements of the propagation of nucleons through the nuclear medium, in particular an effect called color transparency, they also include pion electroproduction on nucleons in nuclei and the study of the structure of nuclei containing strange baryons. Work in the area of nuclear structure will concentra te on investigation of the behavior of systems with a neutron-to-proton ratio significantly different from that found in stable nuclei. Particle gamma coincidence techniques will be used to observe electromagnetic transitions in nuclei with nearly equal numbers of neutrons and protons with masses between 54 and 84. Work on elementary excitations in very light highly neutron-rich systems such as 6He and 8He will also be pursued. The relative role of Coulomb and nuclear forces in the breakup of 6He and related systems will be studies at energies near 60 MeV/nucleon using a highly efficient array of scintillation detectors to tag events in which breakup is accompanied by gamma rays from the target. ***