The Administrative Core is located within the administrative offices of the Blood Research Institute (BRI), the research arm of Versiti (f/k/a BloodCenter of Wisconsin). Core A is the Administrative and Clinical Data Coordinating Core for the PPG and all of its components. This PPG includes outstanding scientists within the Versiti's BRI and in Richmond, Virginia and Buffalo, New York that are tightly focused on the biology of glycans in blood and mechanisms causing myeloproliferative disease. The Administrative Core will provide coordinated, centralized support for the participants of the Program, including the Project Leaders and Core Directors.
Aim 1 is to provide administrative coordination and scientific leadership to the Project Leaders and Core Directors and handle all fiscal and administrative coordination with NIH.
Aim 2 Core A will schedule the periodic (monthly) conference video calls between Project Leaders and Core Directors, research in progress meetings, in-person meetings held at the Versiti BRI, Virginia Commonwealth University, or Roswell Park Cancer Institute and to coordinate the ?Great Lakes Translational Glycomics Symposium? Series.
Aim 3 is to provide a central site to manage an online database of de-identified human samples and acquired data. These administrative functions will be carried out under the direct supervision of the Principal Investigator, who is also Director of the Translational Glycomics Center at Versiti's BRI.