This Program Project will investigate the mechanisms by which glycosylation and glycans may alter the function, maintenance, differentiation, and overall function of hematopoietic cells. The PPG's approach towards these questions is to find correlations between the glycosylation state of cells, their proteoglycan repertoire, their biological responses to injury, and their gene expression programs in model system with altered function of two key glycosylation enzymes, i.e. ST6Gal1 and ?4Gal1T1. The Glycogenomics Core (Core B) will support this effort by characterizing the gene expression program in various models via sequencing of RNA. The three Specific Aims of this Core are (Aim 1) to generate and sequence a large number of cDNA libraries derived from bulk RNA samples isolated from a large pool of cells;
(Aim 2) to generate and sequence cDNA libraries from single cells, and (Aim 3) to conduct the computational processing, initial analysis, and curation of sequencing data.