Reich, Richard R; Goldman, Mark S (2015) Decision making about alcohol use: the case for scientific convergence. Addict Behav 44:23-8
Reich, Richard R; Cummings, Jenna R; Greenbaum, Paul E et al. (2015) The temporal ""pulse"" of drinking: Tracking 5 years of binge drinking in emerging adults. J Abnorm Psychol 124:635-47
Morris, Bethany H; McGrath, Ashlee C; Goldman, Mark S et al. (2014) Parental depression confers greater prospective depression risk to females than males in emerging adulthood. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 45:78-89
Reich, Richard R; Ariel, Idan; Darkes, Jack et al. (2012) What do you mean ""drunk""? Convergent validation of multiple methods of mapping alcohol expectancy memory networks. Psychol Addict Behav 26:406-13
Bekman, Nicole M; Goldman, Mark S; Worley, Matthew J et al. (2011) Pre-adolescent alcohol expectancies: critical shifts and associated maturational processes. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 19:420-32
Goldman, Mark S; Greenbaum, Paul E; Darkes, Jack et al. (2011) How many versus how much: 52 weeks of alcohol consumption in emerging adults. Psychol Addict Behav 25:16-27
Reich, Richard R; Below, Maureen C; Goldman, Mark S (2010) Explicit and implicit measures of expectancy and related alcohol cognitions: a meta-analytic comparison. Psychol Addict Behav 24:13-25
Carter, Ashlee C; Brandon, Karen Obremski; Goldman, Mark S (2010) The college and noncollege experience: a review of the factors that influence drinking behavior in young adulthood. J Stud Alcohol Drugs 71:742-50
Fishman, Inna; Goldman, Mark S; Donchin, Emanuel (2008) The P300 as an electrophysiological probe of alcohol expectancy. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 16:341-56
Del Boca, Frances K; Darkes, Jack (2007) Enhancing the validity and utility of randomized clinical trials in addictions treatment research: II. Participant samples and assessment. Addiction 102:1194-203
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