Reback, Cathy J; Veniegas, Rosemary; Shoptaw, Steven (2014) Getting Off: development of a model program for gay and bisexual male methamphetamine users. J Homosex 61:540-53
Reback, Cathy J; Shoptaw, Steven (2014) Development of an evidence-based, gay-specific cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for methamphetamine-abusing gay and bisexual men. Addict Behav 39:1286-91
Ling Murtaugh, Kimberly; Krishnamurti, Tamar; Davis, Alexander L et al. (2013) Spend today, clean tomorrow: predicting methamphetamine abstinence in a randomized controlled trial. Health Psychol 32:958-66
Xu, Hongquan; Shen, Qing; Yang, Xiaowei et al. (2011) A quasi F-test for functional linear models with functional covariates and its application to longitudinal data. Stat Med 30:2842-53
Jaffe, Adi; Shoptaw, Steven; Stein, Judith et al. (2007) Depression ratings, reported sexual risk behaviors, and methamphetamine use: latent growth curve models of positive change among gay and bisexual men in an outpatient treatment program. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 15:301-7
Shoptaw, Steven; Reback, Cathy J (2007) Methamphetamine use and infectious disease-related behaviors in men who have sex with men: implications for interventions. Addiction 102 Suppl 1:130-5
Shoptaw, Steven; Reback, Cathy J (2006) Associations between methamphetamine use and HIV among men who have sex with men: a model for guiding public policy. J Urban Health 83:1151-7
Shoptaw, Steven; Reback, Cathy J; Peck, James A et al. (2005) Behavioral treatment approaches for methamphetamine dependence and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors among urban gay and bisexual men. Drug Alcohol Depend 78:125-34
Larkins, S; Reback, C J; Shoptaw, S et al. (2005) Methamphetamine-dependent gay men's disclosure of their HIV status to sexual partners. AIDS Care 17:521-32
Peck, James A; Reback, Cathy J; Yang, Xiaowei et al. (2005) Sustained reductions in drug use and depression symptoms from treatment for drug abuse in methamphetamine-dependent gay and bisexual men. J Urban Health 82:i100-8
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