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Abraham, Michael H; Acree, William E; Cometto-Muñiz, J Enrique (2009) Partition of compounds from water and from air into amides. New J Chem 33:2034-2043 |
Cometto-Muniz, J Enrique; Cain, William S; Abraham, Michael H et al. (2002) Psychometric functions for the olfactory and trigeminal detectability of butyl acetate and toluene. J Appl Toxicol 22:25-30 |
Abraham, Michael H; Gola, Joelle M R; Cometto-Muniz, J Enrique et al. (2002) A model for odour thresholds. Chem Senses 27:95-104 |
Cometto-Muniz, J E; Cain, W S; Abraham, M H et al. (2001) Ocular and nasal trigeminal detection of butyl acetate and toluene presented singly and in mixtures. Toxicol Sci 63:233-44 |
Abraham, M H; Gola, J M; Kumarsingh, R et al. (2000) Connection between chromatographic data and biological data. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 745:103-15 |
Cometto-Muniz, J E; Cain, W S; Hiraishi, T et al. (2000) Comparison of two stimulus-delivery systems for measurement of nasal pungency thresholds. Chem Senses 25:285-91 |
Cometto-Muniz, J E; Cain, W S; Abraham, M H et al. (1999) Chemosensory detectability of 1-butanol and 2-heptanone singly and in binary mixtures. Physiol Behav 67:269-76 |
Cometto-Muniz, J E; Cain, W S; Abraham, M H et al. (1998) Trigeminal and olfactory chemosensory impact of selected terpenes. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 60:765-70 |
Cometto-Muniz, J E; Cain, W S (1998) Trigeminal and olfactory sensitivity: comparison of modalities and methods of measurement. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 71:105-10 |
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