Mullaney, Julienne M; Black, Lindsay W (2014) Bacteriophage T4 capsid packaging and unpackaging of DNA and proteins. Methods Mol Biol 1108:69-85
Thomas, Julie A; Black, Lindsay W (2013) Mutational analysis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa myovirus KZ morphogenetic protease gp175. J Virol 87:8713-25
Dixit, Aparna Banerjee; Ray, Krishanu; Thomas, Julie A et al. (2013) The C-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T4 terminase docks on the prohead portal clip region during DNA packaging. Virology 446:293-302
Wu, Weimin; Thomas, Julie A; Cheng, Naiqian et al. (2012) Bubblegrams reveal the inner body of bacteriophage ?KZ. Science 335:182
Black, Lindsay W; Rao, Venigalla B (2012) Structure, assembly, and DNA packaging of the bacteriophage T4 head. Adv Virus Res 82:119-53
Thomas, Julie A; Weintraub, Susan T; Wu, Weimin et al. (2012) Extensive proteolysis of head and inner body proteins by a morphogenetic protease in the giant Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage ?KZ. Mol Microbiol 84:324-39
Dixit, Aparna Banerjee; Ray, Krishanu; Black, Lindsay W (2012) Compression of the DNA substrate by a viral packaging motor is supported by removal of intercalating dye during translocation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:20419-24
Dixit, Aparna; Ray, Krishanu; Lakowicz, Joseph R et al. (2011) Dynamics of the T4 bacteriophage DNA packasome motor: endonuclease VII resolvase release of arrested Y-DNA substrates. J Biol Chem 286:18878-89
Ray, Krishanu; Ma, Jinxia; Oram, Mark et al. (2010) Single-molecule and FRET fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analyses of phage DNA packaging: colocalization of packaged phage T4 DNA ends within the capsid. J Mol Biol 395:1102-13
Ray, Krishanu; Sabanayagam, Chandran R; Lakowicz, Joseph R et al. (2010) DNA crunching by a viral packaging motor: Compression of a procapsid-portal stalled Y-DNA substrate. Virology 398:224-32
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