Hawaii State Department of Health State Laboratories Division Laboratory Preparedness and Response Branch Biological Response Section Laboratory Flexible Funding Model (LFFM) FOA: PAR-20-105 September 2020 - August 2021 Project Title: Hawaii' FERN Microbiology Laboratory's Role in Keeping Human Food Products Safe The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year 48 million people get sick from foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. Hawai'i's unique ethnic and racial diversity, immigrant population, as well as its geographic location makes a unique public health jurisdiction. Our remoteness to the continental United States and the closest US state to the neighboring United States Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) adds to this complexity. Furthermore, eighty five percent of food supply in Hawaii is imported. The overarching objective of the proposed projects is to enhance and strengthen the capacity and capabilities of Hawaii's FERN Microbiology laboratory in keeping human food products safe. To accomplish this objective, we are requesting funding for Discipline A, Analytical Track 1: Food Defense, Analytical Track 2: Human Food testing, Analytical Track 5: Microbiology Capacity/Capability development ? Cyclospora and Discipline D: Special Project: ORAPP Integration. By participating in the food defense project, the HI FERN Microbiology laboratory aims to prepare and respond to possible intentional microbiological contamination of food products not only in Hawaii but to serve as a surge laboratory on a national scale. Secondly, by participating in Human Food testing, HI would like to contribute to the national food testing surveillance program with the aim of removing potentially contaminated food products out of reach by consumers and aid in inspections and investigations. Thirdly, we would like to develop our capability for Cyclospora testing. Berries which has been implicated in human cylcosporiasis in the US was listed on the 2016 top 10 imported agricultural commodities to Hawaii by the HI Department of Agriculture. By developing this capability, testing can be done in-state without the need to send to the nearest FDA Office which is five hours away by air. Lastly, ORAPP integration funding will allow us to seamlessly submit violative and surveillance reports to the FDA in a timely manner.

Public Health Relevance

Hawaii State Department of Health State Laboratories Division Laboratory Preparedness and Response Branch Biological Response Section Laboratory Flexible Funding Model (LFFM) FOA: PAR-20-105 September 2020 - August 2021 Project Title: Hawaii' FERN Microbiology Laboratory's Role in Keeping Human Food Products Safe The overarching objective of the proposed projects is to maintain, enhance and strengthen the capacity and capabilities of Hawaii's FERN Microbiology laboratory in support of the nation's objective of building an integrated laboratory science system. By enhancing and strengthening Hawaii's FERN Microbiology laboratory, it will be able to test more food products using uniform validated national protocols and contribute to the accumulation of food testing data to identify microbial contamination of food products before reaching the consumers.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Research Program--Cooperative Agreements (U19)
Project #
Application #
Study Section
Special Emphasis Panel (ZFD1)
Program Officer
Keppley, Laurie
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
Hawaii State Department of Health
United States
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