This project will examine solar activity and solar flares during 1993 using observations to be obtained at the Swedish Solar Observatory (SSO) on La Palma in the Canary Islands and continuing analysis of existing data. The project expects to obtain simultaneous observations with the Japanese Yohkoh (Solar A) satellite. This would provide a unique and invaluable data set combining high resolution magnetogram, dopplergram, and chromospheric movies with coronal movies in soft x-rays. The data will be collected using an existing ultra-narrowband tunable filter imaging system (50 m ) which has been developed for the Orbiting Solar Laboratory (OSL). This filter and a 1024 x 1024 pixel CCD camera and data system will now be committed to ground based observations for the foreseeable future. Depending on available resources, the system will be modified to adapt it better to ground based observing conditions. The observations will be coordinated with Max '91 campaigns and the Yohkoh satellite whenever possible. These data will consist of time sequences of very high spatial and spectral resolution images which will allow the study of magnetic fields, velocities, and energy release down to 200 km scales. Funds are requested to support observing runs, and data analysis of these and previously obtained data. Additional support for graduate students and visiting scientists involved in the data analysis will come from Lockheed Independent Research (IR) funds. The equipment will be borrowed from other programs or provided by Lockheed or SSO.