The proposed project is for the acquisition of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) with nanoscale materials characterization capability, specifically a JEM-2100F manufactured by JEOL Ltd. The JEM-2100F will support investigators from 3 colleges at Ohio University representing 5 departments and a multitude of undergraduate and graduate academic programs, including 3 interdisciplinary graduate programs. The major users collectively have 51 graduate students, 16 undergraduate students, and 6 postdoctoral researchers. Most of the major users and investigators of this proposal have been collaborating in different projects at Ohio University under the State of Ohio's Center of Excellence in Energy and the Environment, a designation which recognizes the institution's state and national reputation for energy and pollution research, as well as its potential to create jobs in the field. The investigators plan to use the proposed equipment to continue their research on advanced materials with applications in energy, alternative fuels, remediation, and superconductors. The ongoing collaborations among these faculty members exist across chemistry, physics, biochemistry, environmental science, and chemical and electrical engineering. The JEM-2100F will replace the existing TEM at Ohio University. The current TEM, a JEOL 1010, is almost 25 years old. Its drawbacks include mediocre imaging capability and resolution by today's standards, the lack of analysis capabilities such as EDS, and the lack of high-quality, digital imaging. Approximately 40% of Ohio University students come from the Appalachian Ohio area. Purchasing a cutting edge research instrument used in a range of industries and applications globally, such as the JEM-2100F, can powerfully benefit southeastern Ohio residents by providing greatly enhanced educational opportunities. The JEM-2100F will be used in a variety of educational contexts, including classroom instruction and demonstrations, outreach, and workshops offered by the PI. The university is also an important force in regional economic development for Appalachian Ohio, where 16.7% of the residents are below the federal poverty line (the national rate is 13.3%). Through their Innovation Center, a business incubation facility which houses a range of small, growing, high-tech companies, Ohio University contributes a vital research engine that helps fuels the local economy. The presence of a high-resolution transmission electron microscope will enable E3 to do analyses on the nanoscale which will greatly benefit the development of its technologies.