Description of the Workshop . Topics Covered: The theory and application of sequences from discrete symbol sets that have found practical uses in coded communications. These applications include: signal patterns used in radar and sonar; spectral spreading sequences for CDMA wireless telephony; direct sequence stream cipher cryptography; and forward-error-correcting codes. . Purpose: The workshop is intended to bring leading researchers in the covered area of "Sequences" from around the world to present their latest results, interchange information with one another, and inform the larger audience of interested participants, including faculty, scholars and students from numerous institutions about developments in this important field. . Invited Speakers: Countries from which one or more speakers have been invited, in addition to the United States, include Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Norway, and South Korea. . Attendees: Announcements of the Workshop have been circulated to lists of participants at workshops and conferences in related fields, as well as to faculty and students in numerous universities, and to researchers at both governmental and private organizations. Further publicity is provided by the Workshop web site, described below. . Documentation: It is planned that the technical sessions will be videotaped, and that the invited talks will be published in a Workshop Proceedings. . Web site The web site for this Workshop is: This website provides details of the invited speakers, the titles of their talks, and the planned schedule of the entire Workshop, as well as registration and local arrangements information.