This proposal aims to secure student travel support for the sixth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), to be held in San Diego, CA (Oct. 25 - 26, 2010). The PI proposes providing travel support totaling $12,000. This will permit support of about 20 U.S.-based graduate students at about approximately $600 per student. Priority will be granted to those students without existing travel support that would not otherwise be able to attend. This will include students who are not presenting papers at the conference, but are doing research on ANCS relevant topics.
The aim of this project was to support graduate student travel to the 6th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking & Communications Systems (San Diego, CA. on Oct. 25-26, 2010). The goal of the grant is to maintain and foster individual student enthusiasum and development as researchers in this important field. The symposium provides a top-tier venue that brings together researchers from the areas of computer systems architecture and networking systems. It provides a venue for the presentation of new research results and it also aims at fostering greater collaboration between researchers and students in these increasingly related research areas. Grants supporting travel expenses in the United States were awarded to twenty students at U.S. universities with individual grants averaging about $500. Generally, the awards covered only part of the total expenses and other student/ faculty resources made up the difference. The awardees attended twelve different universities throughout the United States ranging from the East (e.g., University of Mass. & M.I.T.) to the West (e.g., Univ. of California – San Diego & UC Riverside) coasts. The students were full participants in the symposium and there was a good deal of interaction between students and faculty/ industry participants. Seventeen students co-authored papers or posters with most of them being presenters. More details about the conference can be found at( ).