NThis action is to provide partial support for the International Workshop on Processing Strong Motion Recordings organized by the Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS). The workshop will be held in Oakland, CA, November 2003, and will include ten foreign strong motion network operators or strong motion record processing experts. Participants will prepare a description of the method they use for processing strong motion recordings and present the discussion in the workshop.
The objectives of the workshop are: 1) to compile strong motion record processing methods currently being used by major strong motion data providers both in the United States and internationally, 2) to identify current and anticipated future uses of strong motion recordings for linear and non-linear analysis of various types of structures and for soil response analysis, 3) to develop recommended processing criteria appropriate for the intended range of uses of strong motion recordings, 4) to identify any additional research required to develop a suitably comprehensive technical basis for a consensus record processing guideline for international use, and 5) define differences in processing schemes for older recordings, including film recordings, and for future recordings from digital instruments. This workshop is an element of a larger COSMOS Project to develop a consensus guideline for processing strong motion recordings. The workshop proceedings and possibly, the results of research or analysis that may be defined by the workshop will serve as the technical basis for the consensus guideline. The workshop proceedings will be published in CD format and posted on the COSMOS Home Page (www.cosmos-eq.org).
The availability of uniformly processed strong motion recordings from strong motion monitoring programs world wide will significantly advance the use of strong motion recordings for both research application and earthquake engineering practice.