This POWRE award will support the PI's proposed research while visiting the laboratory of Dr. Jonathan Arnold at the University of Georgia, a leading researcher in fungal genome. Dr. Arnold is the director of NSF funded Fungal Genome Resource which provides high-throughput physical mapping, sequencing, and of fungal genomes microarraying and Internet access to the Fungal Genome Database. This visit will afford the POWRE recipient great potential for interdisciplinary collaboration as the research progresses. It is anticipated that this research will ultimately result in publicly available databases and statistical data mining tools that will be of benefit to the larger scientific community. The research to be conducted while on this visit will include statistical clustering and classification used to group genes with similar expression profiles; exploration of the possibility of using dimensionality et al. reduction techniques such as Kruskal and Shepard's algorithm to analyze microarray data. Also model based (parametric) clustering will be investigated.