Mathematical Sciences (21) This collaboration is building on a successful pilot study that developed an innovative course on wavelets and applications, together with a text, software, and related materials. The current project is focused on refining, expanding, and testing these education innovations on a wider audience of faculty and students across the United States. It is also implementing the new materials, and in the process, creating diverse and portable modules for student projects and undergraduate research. More precisely, the project is developing faculty expertise by conducting workshops at the PI home institutions and at national meetings to train faculty to teach the course at their home institutions. Also, the PIs are recruiting participants from these workshops to develop project modules to be used by students as end of term projects or in undergraduate research. Moreover, the PIs are institutionalizing the course at their schools and are providing assistance to other interested institutions. The PIs are managing the development of a growing and self-sustaining network of faculty educators who teach and institutionalize the course, develop modules, and participate in the assessment of the role of the course in the curriculum.