The Community of Transfer Scholars in Information Technology and Engineering project at the University of Maryland Baltimore County is providing scholarships for 30 financially needy academically talented transfer students. The project is applying student support processes developed at the center for women in technology to build communities of learners for the transfer students. The project is providing academic and professional development information and opportunities for the scholars and is also fostering partnerships between the University of Maryland Baltimore County and several partner community colleges. Three cohorts of students are being selected and supported by the project. Students major in computer science, computer engineering, information systems, mechanical engineering or chemical engineering. Support structures include a new scholar's retreat as well as mentoring from faculty, peers and industry leaders. Academic and professional development activities along with transfer student seminars are provided to the scholars to help them graduate on time. The project is collecting information about the transfer student experience particularly of women and underrepresented minorities so that lessons learned can be used to increase the success of all transfer students, not only the scholars.