The equipment purchased through this award is being used to improve the laboratory components of two courses: Advanced Cell Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology. The courses are designed to present the fundamentals of experimental procedures and to provide opportunities for extensive practice with different pieces of equipment under the supervision of experienced researchers. Among the competencies being developed are microscopy, spectro- photometry, electrophoresis of proteins and DNA, growth of bacteria, and the isolation and manipulation of recombinant DNA. Use of computer programs to analyze molecular structures also is being taught. A phase contrast microscope, two UV-VIS spectrophotometers, gel boxes and a power supply for electrophoresis, an incubator/shaker and a sterile hood for growing and handling bacteria, a computer and computer software -- all purchased with help from this grant -- are being used to illustrate current techniques commonly encountered in Molecular Biology. Students completing the two courses are learning habits and skills that they can use in graduate school or in an entry-level position in a research laboratory. Many graduates of the program will become science teachers at the pre-collegiate level.