9451379 Dahlberg The department of chemistry at Lebanon Valley College will enhance and strengthen instruction in the theory and applications of all three forms of vibrational spectroscopy through the creation of a Vibrational Spectroscopy Center. This center will be based on a Perkin-Elmer System 2000 MIR, NIR, NIR-Raman Fourier Transfer Spectrometer. We shall collect and develop a set of experiments designed to instruct students on all aspects of modern vibrational spectroscopy throughout their undergraduate education. As freshmen, students will learn how to use MIR to determine the identity of an unknown. In organic chemistry, they will learn to interpret both MIR and Raman spectra and underst and the advantages of each technique in structure elucidation. Experiments in physical chemistry will instruct them on the theoretical and physical origins of all three forms of vibrational spectroscopy, while our course on instrumental analysis will expose them to the use of NIR to predict a physic al property of a substance, i.e., the octane of gasoline. The power of Raman spectroscopy applied to biological systems will be demonstrated in a study of bilayers in our biochemistry laboratory. Finally, students will apply these experiences to eal-life problems through their undergraduate research.