9451571 Granger Chemistry students will be introduced to modern, state of the art, chromatography instrumentation and techniques involving high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The major impact on the undergraduates will be in the Intermediate and Advanced integrated laboratory courses directed by the Chemistry department. These upper level courses are designed to present laboratory techniques and methods as applied to realistic questions and applications. As well, we plan to initiate exposure to the technique and the instrument in at least one introductory (general) chemistry laboratory for science and non-science majors. These underclassmen will be introduced to chromatographic principles in lecture as well as lab. Juniors and Seniors will be involved in using the system in mini-research projects at the end of the Integrated and Advanced laboratory series and will also have the opportunity to use the system in faculty directed undergraduate research programs. Applications involve organic and biochemical systems as well as fundamental analytical chemistry and techniques.