9451876 Brown Connecticut College has been given a grant from the Olin Foundation to construct a new science center that will have an observatory on the roof. We are requesting funds to equip this observatory with a new telescope and modern instruments. We would like to obtain a research-grade 20 inch telescope, a CCD camera, a spectrometer and a computer workstation in order to provide better opportunities for student research in astronomy and astrophysics as well as improve our introductory astronomy sequence. The introduction of this new equipment will significantly enhance the department's major in astrophysics and minor in astronomy, as students would be able to engage in a wider variety of research projects using modern apparatus than previously possible. We currently use a hundred-year-old Clark refractor for both teaching, labs, and research projects. Students, instead of dealing with science questions and doing astronomy, spend a great deal of time adapting the Clark to work with 20th century equipment and expectations. The new telescope will be the focal point of the observatory and astronomy program and will greatly contribute to the new prominence that has recently been given to astronomy at the college.