The primary objective of this U.S.-Poland research between Dr. Hans-Rudolf Wenk of the University of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Jan Pospiech of the Polish Academy of Sciences' Institute for Metals Research is to advance quantitative texture analysis of deformed materials by extending the tomography algorithm of Pawlich-Pospiech (PP) to low crystal and triclinic sample symmetry. The material chosen for emphasis is quartz which is of great tectonic importance in the earth's crust. Its textures also vary greatly in geological conditions. Together, the researchers plan to measure pole figures on deformed quartzites from different classical localities and prepare a catalog of ODFs with the PP method. Results should provide a more quantitative interpretation of quartz textures in terms of their geophysical deformation history. This project in geophysics fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading researchers in the United States and Poland to combine complementary efforts and capabilities in areas of strong mutual interest and competence in the field of basic scientific research on the basis of equality, reciprocity, and mutuality of benefit.