This planning grant will support preliminary studies in two areas of theoretical physics that bear on our fundamental understanding of nucleon and antinucleon structure and interactions: 1) the interpretation of antiprotonic atom energy level shifts and widths; and 2) the determination of strange quark contributions to nucleon structure. The objective of the planning grant is the development of a competitive research proposal that will be submitted to the "Research in Undergraduate Institutions" program of the National Science Foundation. The activities to be supported in the preparation of that proposal will include: participation in the "Nuclear Physics in Atoms and Molecules" program of the National Institute for Nuclear Theory; consultation with physicists active in both areas of research; study of models used for nucleon and antinucleon structure and interactions; the development of computer code; and preliminary calculations to determine the most promising direction for the research. A program will be developed to include undergraduate students in aspects of the research that are accessible to them.